Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label debt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label debt. Show all posts

Thursday, April 6, 2023

The Collapse of the Dollar?


Steve Kelley cartoon at Townhall

Mac Slavo is not optimistic.  Here’s the opening of his column at DiscernReport:

Know What to Expect:
The Death of the Dollar Is Coming

The death of the dollar is coming and it’s going to hit the American public like a ton of bricks. Once it is no longer the world’s reserve currency, all bets are off concerning the fiat currency, and we should brace ourselves for what comes next.

Obviously, the central banks will need this epic crash to usher in the CBDC (central bank digital currency) which will be a technological slave system of control. But before that, we could see things that could only come out of the movies.

The dollar has not been backed by gold in a long time and its value is eroding. Debt, currency devaluation, massive speculation, massive currency creation, and intentional government incompetence are pretty much guaranteeing a very bad ending. A number of events have happened throughout the years which has jeopardized the Dollar’s standing. The Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) collaboration has gained steam in creating pathways for business and they have begun to totally bypass the U.S. Dollar.

And here’s his advice to everyone:

Here are the things we need to be prepared for according to All News Pipeline, once the ruling class finally puts the final nail in the dollar’s coffin:

  1. Bank Runs – people are going to want as much as they can out of their banks even though it’s going to be worthless unless you need some toilet paper. Some will attempt to rush and buy precious metals with their money while they still can.
  2. Capital Controls – the masters will ban the slaves from converting their dollars into foreign currencies to try to keep the dollar afloat for a few more days.
  3. Inflation – it’ll spiral out of control because the dollar will be worth almost nothing
  4. Massive Unemployment – businesses will find it impossible to get parts or supplies from other countries, so there won’t be jobs to do.
  5. Empty Grocery Store Shelves – food will be a hot commodity. The shelves will empty as people stock up at the last minute with whatever money they have.
  6. Public Riots – all of the above will lead to massive violent public riots. People will be depressed and angry, but most will be still too dumbed down to take it out on the ruling class and bankers who control them like marionette puppets. They will instead, destroy businesses and loot whatever they can.

Make whatever preparations you may need or do an audit of your preps. This is inevitable, even though no one knows the exact day that it’ll happen. . . .

Read the entire column here.  Think this is alarmist and far-fetched?  I would prefer to think that Mr Slavo is wrong.  But what if the price of eggs is just the canary in the coal mine?

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Sunday, October 17, 2021

COVID Propaganda


J.B.Shurk breaks down the propaganda wars at AmericanConservativeMovement. Here are his concluding questions:

. . . the global response to the China Virus is so rife with contradictions that ordinary people can see that they are being flooded with government propaganda.  That’s the good news.  The first step to surviving any information war is to recognize that one is actually being waged.  Accepting that you are being lied to prepares you for discovering why.

Is COVID-1984 merely the greatest grift ever perpetrated by the pharmaceutical industry and the politicians paid handsomely from its profits?  Is it a continuation of the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming scam being used to concentrate global control over all economic relations into the hands of a small number of financial and technocratic elites?

Is it being used to distract the world from an impending debt bomb that will eventually explode into the mother of all economic depressions?  Is it a vehicle for eliminating private ownership and returning the world back to a time when a minuscule number of lords could rule over a global population of serfs?  Is it a mechanism for identifying citizens who will pose problems for the State’s continued authority?

Is it the Davos crowd’s experimentation in population control?  Or was it the only way to prevent President Trump’s re-election and derail his “America First” agenda by providing the necessary cover for political operatives to violate state law and flood the 2020 election with enough anonymous, unsecured, and unverified ballots to make Trump the first president to win more votes than any incumbent in American history, expand his backing among minorities, and increase his overall support by over ten million new voters, yet still find himself somehow short of victory?

As the six-hundred-pound man said to the Swiss chocolatier, “I’ll take one of each.”  Sometimes the answers really are as obvious as they seem.

This is a war for hearts and minds now.  Just as John Brennan and the CIA fed us a diet of Russia collusion for years in order to overturn the 2016 election, COVID-1984 is the smorgasbord of rancidness meant to turn our stomachs and convince us to willingly accept a future of servitude to the State.  With each passing executive order or unconstitutional edict in the name of public health, the government is tightening its noose.  It is a global heist of personal freedom before our eyes.  The only way forward is not to look away; to recognize that “it can happen here”; and to realize that it is, in fact, happening.

A war over information, as we have seen, is as deadly as one with rifles and bayonets.  Propaganda is only as effective as it is invisible.  Lies seen can never be unseen.  One thing remains certain: we are in this conflict whether we like it or not.

Full article is here. 

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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Another Uniparty budget deal

image credit: foxnews.com

More bad news from the Uniparty's budget deal; this update via Ace of Spades:

Horowitz explained that the current spending levels are the result of the budget deals that congressional Republicans cut during the last session of Congress, “and now they’re looking for a repeat performance” in the current spending debate. They appear ready to hand Speaker Nancy Pelosi a debt-exploding deal that suspends the debt limit, busts spending caps, and “give away the president’s leverage on the border.”
[Ace comments:] Read the article...it's the usual gang of craven and shortsighted politicians who simply don't care about the future financial health of the country. Government spending has become so ridiculous that I wonder whether they are still trying to buy votes! How many voters actually pull the lever for the incumbent because he voted for some pork? Spending is out of control on all fronts, so how do people recognize directed spending vs. the background abomination that is the federal budget?
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Monday, January 26, 2015

Speaker J. Wellington Wimpy

Art credit: www.daveposh.org

It’s Not Just Tactics, Mr. Speaker
By Jenny Beth Martin
7:27 PM 01/25/2015
“The issue with the Tea Party isn’t one of strategy. It’s not one of different vision … It’s a disagreement over tactics, from time to time,” said Speaker of the House John Boehner, on 60 Minutes Sunday night.
More than a year ago, Speaker Boehner took serious offense when conservative groups criticized a budget deal he favored. They had “lost all credibility . . . I don’t care what they do.” So irrelevant is the Tea Party movement that the Speaker took to 60 Minutes to complain about its criticism of him Sunday night.
The Speaker trivializes the differences that led to the biggest intraparty rebellion against a sitting Speaker since the Civil War. His first problem isn’t with outside groups, it’s his own GOP colleagues in the House. When one out of every ten takes the extraordinary step of standing before his colleagues and calling out the name of someone else for his job, he should realize he’s got a problem.
As for us, our opposition to his leadership centers on our belief that we do NOT, in fact, share visions and strategies.
For example, we oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants because we believe it would not be fair to the millions waiting in line to get into America legally, nor to the millions who already arrived legally after waiting in line. Amnesty rewards lawbreaking, and only serves to incentivize further lawbreaking.
The Speaker, on the other hand, dances to the tune of the Chamber of Commerce, whose members and supporters want cheaper labor, and are, consequently, major proponents of the kind of comprehensive amnesty legislation that passed the Senate in 2013 and which the Speaker clearly wanted to put on the floor of the House last year before Dave Brat’s stunning upset of the former Majority Leader put the kibosh on those plans.
Moreover, we seek a federal government that is actually smaller than the one we have now, not merely one that is smaller than the one Barack Obama would prefer. We note with disdain the Speaker’s willingness to sign off on budget and debt ceiling increase “deals” that appear to have been negotiated by Popeye’s J. Wellington Wimpy — he will gladly give the president a spending/debt ceiling increase now, in exchange for the promise of spending cuts to come Tuesday. And when Tuesday arrives, somehow the spending cuts never materialize.
Similarly, we seek the repeal of Obamacare because we believe it tramples the fundamental liberties guaranteed us by our Constitution, destroys patient choice, degrades the quality of health care delivered, increases costs, and will ultimately break the bank. The Speaker, on the other hand, seems perfectly content to tinker at the margins (1099 repeal? Medical device tax repeal?) secure in the knowledge that many of his major funders — the health insurance and pharmaceutical companies who support Obamacare because of its mandates, which lead to a massively growing client base, and, hence, increased profits — don’t actually want him to fight to repeal the legislation.
Here’s a test of the Speaker’s assertion that our differences are merely differences in degree, not kind: Why has he refused to lead his GOP Conference to vote in favor of the bill introduced by his colleague Ron DeSantis of Florida, which seeks to overturn the August 2013 OPM [Office of Personnel Management] ruling granting generous employer subsidies to Members of Congress and their staffs for the purchase of health insurance through the Obamacare exchanges, in clear violation of the law? That legislation is a fundamental part of a strategy designed to raise the temperature inside the offices of the Democrat Members of Congress whose votes are needed to build the necessary majorities for repeal in both House and Senate; yet, given multiple opportunities to put the bill on the floor, he has refused to do so.
Finally, I would note one other difference with the Speaker’s view, specifically regarding his assertion that the Tea Party’s opposition is manufactured for fundraising purposes: Every dollar we raise is contributed voluntarily, by donors whose only interest is seeking to influence their government to tax less, spend less, and stop running up a massive debt. They seek little from the government other than to be left alone, and we have nothing to offer them other than our promise that we will use the resources they contribute to do the best job we can to achieve our shared vision of greater personal freedom, economic freedom, and a debt-free future.
JENNY BETH MARTIN is co-founder and national coordinator of the Tea Party Patriots, the nation’s largest tea party organization.

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