Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Passing a Resolution with an Unwilling School Board

Photo credit: myajc.com

Common Core: an update

Ohio Tea Party Patriots Co-cordinator Marianne Gasieki is sharing a Richland County success story and seeking participation in a statewide survey:

Passing a Resolution with an Unwilling School Board
Raising a Unified Voice
As some of you are aware, Marianne was elected to the Ontario School Board November 2013:
I was elected due to my vocal opposition to Common Core, as I had been attending meetings and questioning the board regarding Common Core for over a year.
Unfortunately, unlike the Garaway school district, the Ontario school district did not have a Board unified in their opposition to Common Core, so it was necessary to create a ground swell from concerned parents.
As a Board member, I couldn't be seen as actively involved in the movement, but was able to find a few key people who made it happen.
A petition was created, and within a matter of weeks, over 300 signatures were obtained.  These people took the petitions to soccer games, parent teacher conferences, anywhere there would be community gatherings. Click Here for a Copy of the Petition.
Copies of the petitions were sent to each Board member with a cover letter. Click Here to Read the Cover Letter.
At the December board meeting, our resolution opposing Common Core was passed.
It is important to note that although it looks like we were able to do this quickly, it took the action of parents coming to board meetings over multiple months, and clearly stating their issue with CC.  It took people working in the community, writing letters to the editor, posting yard signs around the school and educating their neighbors.  But it can be done!
If you would like to share your success story, please forward it to me and I will try to compile them so they accompany the survey results.

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact Marianne at the Mansfield Tea Party at mansfieldteaparty@gmail.com. 
These resolutions and efforts are important, especially since Gov. John Kasich is opposing repeal of CC. Read the latest from The Blaze here

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